
Showing posts from April, 2022

Important Points Regarding our Indian Geography

 Indian Geography What are the Longitudinal and latitudinal extent of India? India lies to the north of the equator between 6° 44′ and 35° 30′ north latitude and 68° 7′ and 97° 25′ east longitude. Longitudinal and Latitudinal extent The latitudinal extent of India from the north end Kashmir to south end Kanniyakumari is 37°6′N to 8°4′N The longitudinal extent of India from west end Gujarat to east end Arunachal Pradesh is 68°7′E to 97°25′E. On calculating both of these extents we get to that these are approximately of 30°. Explanation India is located in the northern hemisphere of the world. The Tropic of Cancer (23°30’N) passes almost halfway through the country India. It is North from the Equator, that passes through the middle of India. The Tropic of Cancer passes through eight states in India From the extends south to north, the mainland of India extends between 8°4’N and 37°6’N latitudes. From the other extends west to east, India extends between 68°7’E and 97°25’E longitudes....

Types of Rocks (Information and Facts)

 Rock  The solids parts of the Earth's crust are called rocks. Most of the rocks are made up of two or more minerals. The sientific study of rocks is called petrology. On the basis of the mode of origin, rocks are of three types. 1. Igneous Rocks It is also called primary rocks as they are formed due to the cooling, solidification and crystallisation of hot and molten magma e.g. Granite. When granite rocks get metamorphased, they form gneiss. There are no layers in igneous rocks. Fossils are not found in igneous rocks. Igneous rocks are generally harder and granular. 2. Sedimentary Rocks These rocks are formed by the deposition, sedimentation and lithification of sedimentations over a long period of time. As layers over layers get deposited, over a period of time, unified sedimentary rocks are formed on account of the tremendous pressure exerted by the layers above.  Sometimes the remains of plants. dead animals etc are found in the deposited material. Sandstone, limeston...

आपके ज्ञान के लिए हमारी पृथ्वी के बारे में महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु

                                      पृथ्वी पृथ्वी हमारे सौर मंडल में एकमात्र ग्रह है जिस पर जीवन मौजूद है। यह सूर्य के लिए तीसरा निकटतम ग्रह है और यह हमारे सौर मंडल में आकार के मामले में पांचवें स्थान पर है। पृथ्वी शुक्र के लगभग समान है। चंद्रमा पृथ्वी का एकमात्र नौराल उपग्रह है। पृथ्वी को नीला ग्रह भी कहा जाता है। पृथ्वी का आकार जियोइड है और जियोडेसी विज्ञान की एक शाखा है जो पृथ्वी के आकार और आकार को मापने से संबंधित है। एक सेलेस्टिकल बॉडी के रूप में, अन्य निकायों की तरह पृथ्वी की भी अलग-अलग स्थानिक गति होती है। वे घूर्णन, क्रांति, अक्ष का झुकाव आदि हैं। पृथ्वी हर 24 घंटे में एक बार पश्चिम से पूर्व की ओर अपनी धुरी पर घूमती है और यह दिन और रात का कारण बनती है। पृथ्वी हर 3651/4 दिनों में एक बार एक अंडाकार कक्षा में सूर्य के चारों ओर घूमती है और पृथ्वी पर मौसम को बदलने के लिए जिम्मेदार है। पृथ्वी के घूर्णन अक्ष को शीर्षक दिया गया है और झुकाव के कोण एक्लिप्टिक के विमान के सामान्य के संबंध में ल...

Important Points About Our Earth For Your Knowledge

                                                The Earth  The Earth is the only planet in our solar system on which life exists. It is the third nearest planet to the Sun and it is ranked fifth in terms of size in our solar system. Earth is almost identical to Venus. Moon is the only naural satellite of the Earth. Earth is also called as Blue Planet. The shape of the Earth is Geoid and Geodesy is a branch of science that deals with measuring the Earth's size and shape. As a celestical body, Earth like other bodies have different spatial motions. They are rotation, revolution, tiltation of axis etc. Earth rotates on its own axis from West to East once in every 24 hours and it causes day and night. Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit once in every 3651/4 days and is responsible for changing of seasons on Earth. The rotational axis of the Earth is ...

अपने महान ज्ञान के लिए ब्रह्मांड और सौर मंडल के मुख्य बिंद

                           हमारा ब्रह्मांड संसार  तारे, ग्रह, उपग्रह, एस्टेरियोड, उल्का, धूमकेतु जैसे सभी स्वर्गीय पिंडों को आकाशीय पिंड कहा जाता है। स्वर्गीय निकायों का अध्ययन करने के विज्ञान को खगोल विज्ञान के रूप में जाना जाता है। ब्रह्मांड के अध्ययन को कॉस्मोलॉजी के रूप में जाना जाता है। ब्रह्मांड की उत्पत्ति को बिग-बैंग थ्योरी द्वारा समझाया गया है। बिग-बैंग थ्योरी एक विस्फोट था जो 13.8 अरब साल पहले हुआ था, जिससे सितारों और अन्य स्वर्गीय निकायों का गठन हुआ था।  आकाशगंगा  एक आकाशगंगा अरबों सितारों की एक विशाल प्रणाली है, जिसमें बड़ी संख्या में गैस बादल और धूल भी शामिल हैं, जो समान प्रणाली से अंतरिक्ष में अलग-थलग हैं। आकाशगंगाएं मुख्य रूप से तीन आकृतियों में पाई जाती हैं- अर्थात्। सर्पिल, अण्डाकार, और अनियमित। हमारा सौर मंडल मिल्की वे आकाशगंगा का एक हिस्सा है जो आकार में सर्पिल है। भारत में इसे आकाश गंगा के नाम से जाना जाता है। मिल्की वे आकाशगंगा को सबसे पहले गैलीलियो द्वारा देखा गया था।  नक्षत्र...

Main Point of Universe and Solar System for your great knowledge

                             Our Universe Universe  All the heavenly bodies like stars, planets, satellites, asteriods, meteors, comets are called Celestial Bodies. Science of studying heavenly bodies is known as Astronomy. The study of universe is known as Cosmology. The origin of the universe has been explained by Big-Bang Theory. Big-Bang Theory was an explosion that occurred 13.8 billion years ago, leading to the formation of stars and other heavenly bodies.  Galaxy  A Galaxy is a vast system of billions of stars, which also contains a large number of gas clouds and dust, isolated in space from similar system. Galaxies are mainly found in three shapes-i.e. spiral, elliptical, and irregular. Our solar system is a part of Milky Way Galaxy which is spiral in shape. In India, it is known as Akash Ganga. The Milky Way Galaxy was First observed by Galileo.  Constellations and Stars The Indian na...

Enivronment and Ecology Part 2

 Food Chain and Food Web Food chain is a feeding hierarchy in which organism in an ecosystem are grouped into nutritional (tropic) levels and are shown in a succession to represent the flow of food energy and the feeding relationship between them. Complex network of inter connceted food chain called a Food Web. Types of Food Chain Grazing Food Chain Grass -Grasshopper-Frog-Snake-Hawk Green Plant-Goat-Wolf-Lion Detritus Food Chain Dead Plant-Soil mites-Insects-Lizards Dead Organic Matter-Bacteria-Protozoa-Rotifers. Ecology The term 'Ecology' first coined by German Biologist Ernst Haeckel. It was derived from Greek word Okologie, means 'home or surrounding'. It is defined as "the study of the interaction between lifed and its physical environment; the relationship between animal and plants and how one species affect another." Want to live happily forever, preserve biodiversity

Happy Earth Day

                                  What Is Earth Day History Earth Day  is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for  environmental protection . First held on April 22, 1970, it now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by (formerly Earth Day Network)   [1]   including 1 billion people in more than 193 countries.   [1]   [2]   The official theme for 2022 is  Invest In Our Planet .   [3]                  Why Earth day was celebrating

Environment and Ecology

 Environment  Environment is defined as the social, cultural and physical condition that surround, affect and infulence the survival, growth and development of people, animal or plants. Environment includes everything around us. It encompasses both the living (biotic) and non-living (abotic) components of Earth. It consists of four segments: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere.  Ecosystem    The term "ecosystem" was first coined by British ecologist Tansley. " An ecosystem is defined as a         natural unit that consists of living and non-living components which interact to form a stable system". Components of Ecosystem   The components of an ecosystem are grouped as abiotic (non-living) and biotic (living). The abiotic factors include air, water, siol, tempreaure, chemical products etc. Biotic factors includes plants, animals and micro-organisms. This living component can be further divided into: Producers make the...

Indian National Congress

 Indian National Congress The Indian National Congress, colloquially the Congress Party but often simply Congress, is a political party in India with widespread roots. Founded in 1885, it was the first modern nationalist movement to emerge in the British Empire in Asia and Africa. From the late 19th century, and especially after 1920, under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, Congress became the principal leader of the Indian independence movement. Congress led India to independence from the United Kingdom, and powerfully influenced other anti-colonial nationalist movements in the British Empire. Due to its enduring history, the Congress is often called the "grand old party The phase began with the establishment of the Indian national Congress in 1885 at Bombay (Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College) chaired by WC Banerjee and attended by 72 delegates. The first time muslim President of INC was Badruddin Tyabji (Madras Session 1887), Frist Woman President of INC was Sarojani Naidu (Kanpu...

Fats in food and its importance

  What are Fats? According to the nutrition facts, the fats are defined as the  most essential part of the diet and it plays an important role in maintaining the healthy life. Fats and cholesterol tend to be the most focused terms of the public and health enthusiasts. There is a valid reason behind this. Fat happens to be the most concentrated source of energy in the diet that provides about 8 to 9 calories per gram while on other hand carbohydrates and proteins have only four calories per gram. Fat is known to have three elements which include carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. But, it has more amounts of carbon and hydrogen compared to oxygen, hence leading to nine calories per gram. Fats are the source of energy in food, belong to a group of elements called lipids and they are all combinations of saturated and unsaturated fats. The human body well designed which makes up two types of fats, essential for the proper functioning of the body and are obtained from the food consumed. ...